Sometimes the circumstances of a production change. Budgets get re-allocated, labor is not what you expect, materials are not available, etc. Join us to talk about ways you can adapt your design to fit changing resources and circumstances!

Miriam earned a BA in Art History (2000) and an MFA in Theatre Design (2004) from the University of Memphis. She has designed costumes and makeup for over 90 plays, musicals, and operas since 2001. Prior to her joining the production team at Allegheny College, she served as Costume Shop Supervisor at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, as well as Head Costume Designer at Opera in the Ozarks in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. During her time in Memphis, Miriam was recognized by the Ostrander Theatre Awards on a number of occasions, receiving the 2012 award for her makeup design of Urinetown. Since joining the Playshop Theatre at Allegheny College, Miriam’s work has been seen on the Vukovich stage in a variety of productions, and she was honored with an Peggy Ezekiel award for the costume design of A Civil War Christmas in 2017.