From best practices to online callboards, communications; and from rehearsal room management to the business of building a team, the stage management profession has truly grown and changed in the past decade. Where can I go to get the resources young stage managers need to succeed, what critical independent contractor and job seeker skills are needed out in the entertainment world and how to access the networks for the best success. There is much out there on the internet to choose from, what resources can faculty and students count on for the best experience for both our students and the productions they support.
Presenter Elynmarie Kazle is a stage and production manager serving as the Stage Management Mentor for Ohio Northern University. She is equally pleased to be in her 2nd term as ViC for Special Projects for OVS. She has chaired the Stage Managers’ Association of the United States for the past seven years and will be leading the newly formed Stage Managers’ Association Foundation, Inc. www.stagemanagers.org and is a member of the Steering Committee of the No More 10 out of 12 initiative (NoMore10outof12s.com). For the first part of her career, she was a theatre nomad, spending time stage managing and raising money for theatres, opera and dance companies in New York, Brooklyn, Northeast Ohio (SMing for Opera Columbus, Great Lakes and Cleveland Play House), Georgia, Greater Los Angeles and Minnesota as well as touring internationally. For USITT she created the Stage Managers’ Mentoring Project. She was named a USITT Fellow in 2007 and to the National Theatre Conference in 2016. An active leader in Scouting USA (Boyscouts) she was inducted into the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society. And yes … the story about John John Kennedy entering the theatre through her booth is true.