There is still time to apply for a Student Travel Award. This year up to three students will receive $750 to be used to attend USITT22 in Baltimore, MD.
Applications will be accepted beginning October 31, 2021 through the deadline of Friday December 10, 2021.
Each applicant must submit the following via email:
Application form
Cover letter describing your career goals and what you hope to gain through your participation in the conference
Current resumé
Unofficial academic transcript - demonstrating GPA >3.0
Three work samples with descriptions (NB: NOT your entire portfolio)
Work samples may be an assortment of artwork, documentation, and photos from either class and/or realized work. Recommended file format for all photos is JPEG 72dpi.
A selection of prompt book pages or general organizational papers (i.e. rehearsal reports, performance reports, fitting schedules, tracking sheets for properties, production schedules) should be included for production, wardrobe, prop and stage managers. Organizational paperwork could be included for designers and technicians as well. Be selective, please do not send more than 10 total pages of paperwork.
Sound designers may submit brief composed or mastered recordings as part of their application. Please use .wav format.
All work MUST include descriptions
Please assemble your application into a single PDF (.wav files excepted) with the applicants name included in the filename.
Faculty sponsor* letter of recommendation (sent separately and directly by sponsor)
*Sponsor must be a member of USITT and of the Ohio Valley Section
Students wishing to apply for the USITT - Ohio Valley Section (OVS) award:
Must be a registered undergraduate or graduate student in an institution whose members are active in USITT-Ohio Valley Section.
Must be in good standing (G.P.A. 3.0 or better)
Must have a faculty sponsor who is a current member of USITT National and the Ohio Valley Section.
Application and questions should be sent to Ken Clothier at clothier@setonhill.edu.
Check out USITT22 here.
