Hello reader. This site is about to go public soon and I need a little help from you as you explore this site.
But first let me give you a short tour. At the top of the "Blog Community" Pages you will see 2 menus across the top. There are links to many locations:
Homepage - A nice splash page that gives you info and links.
Blog - main page of articles of happenings in the Ohio Valley area
Forum - the discussion board for our members and visitors to discuss topics of live entertainment and technical/design issues facing them in their areas.
Then there is a second menu for detailed information or highlighted topics
Events - This is updated with the upcoming events.
Job Listings
USITT - A link to the National USITT Site
About - A little about us, how you can follow us on other networking sites, and member information.
So the question comes down to what you would like to see added, deleted, or changed. This site is extremely flexible and I want to make sure that it works for all.
My next question deals with the blog itself. As the authors of the blog write posts, I want them to be able to organize their blogs into categories and sub categories. What should those headings be? (i.e. Technology, Reviews, Events, etc.)
~Aaron Bollinger